Earwax is a normal substance that is a combination of dead cells, cerumen (a wax-like substance), sebum, and various foreign substances (such as cosmetics and dirt).
It cleans, lubricates, and protects the lining of the ear canal, trapping dirt, dust, and hair, and repelling water. It is acidic and normally coats the walls of the ear canal, inhibiting the growth of bacteria and fungi.
Normally, earwax is removed from the ear canal by natural jaw movement. If this natural mechanism is disrupted or inadequate, wax can become stuck in the canal and may build-up and become impacted.
Symptoms of earwax build-up include hearing loss, mild earache, a feeling that your ears are blocked, ringing or buzzing in your ears (tinnitus) and vertigo (feeling dizzy and sick). If this is you, you may need treatment.
The National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommends microsuction as the best way to remove wax. It involves a small tube which is used to suction out any wax or debris in your ear canal. It is performed by highly trained practitioners with a wealth of experience.
It can be a loud procedure but should be quite manageable. Most people aren't bothered by it at all. Nothing should be painful and we want you to feel as comfortable as possible during your treatment so if you need regular breaks, that's fine!
When done well by experienced practitioners, microsuction leaves no traces, requires little preparation and doesn’t introduce any strain to the ear canal, making it the one of the safest ways of removing excessive earwax to date.
We will happily see anyone aged 18 and over! We will need to know in advance if you've had problems with your ears or ear surgery before and if you have certain medical conditions or take certain medications but this is just in case we need to adapt the treatment to suit you.
Our ears need a certain amount of wax and with early build-ups over-the-counter ear drops such as olive-oil should help but when it starts to cause problems or becomes impacted, expert removal is needed.
Typically 20-30 minutes for assessment and treatment (and a chat) but everyone is different. We allow a 1-hour time slot to allow for travelling and dealing with any stubborn wax.
Our prices are competitive and reflect the benefit of being able to be seen in your own home. Check our our pricing page for our up-to-date price list.
If after initial assessment there is no wax to be removed, a part-refund will be issued so that you only pay the consultation fee. where possible, the practitioner will discuss possible alternate causes for your symptoms and what to do next.
Everyone is different. We know that some patients need wax removal every 3-4 months and others only once every few years. We are here to accommodate the frequent flyers, one-time wonders and everyone in-between.